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Innovation and Customer Reach

Mobile apps are rapidly growing for both entrepreneurs looking to generate revenue, and businesses using smart phone applications as an interactive marketing tool. With the introduction of iAd, mobile apps have become an even greater opportunity to generate revenue. The possibilities are endless with mobile application development and so are the benefits.

By choosing PRS Consulting Services for your mobile application development needs, you can be sure you will receive a high quality application to complement your vision.

Focus on Design

With the ever-evolving capabilities of mobile devices, it's no longer just about utilizing the features of these devices. The user's expectation of a great experience is the new standard. The mobile realm has some unique constraints and offers some interesting opportunities.

PRS Consulting Services has the breadth of knowledge and experience to create attractive and highly interactive applications. We have dedicated professionals who are experts in the field of UX design that can work with you to deliver outstanding results.

Leveraging the Cloud

PRS Consulting Services has experience developing complete mobile applications with cloud-based back ends-including Salesforce and AppEngine. The combination of Mobile and Cloud enables us to create and deploy extremely useful applications with a faster and higher quality process.

Agile Mobile Application Development

Agile mobile app development - the iterative approach delivers the greatest flexibility in the design and development process. It supports the rapidly emerging standards and volatile platforms with very high user experience expectations requiring an iterative cycle with end-users.
The Agile Advantage:
  • Ensures greater opportunity to incorporate user- and technology-driven feedback
  • Low overhead on effort and artifacts not associated with working software
  • Iterative testing and verification process for better reliability

Our Agile Expertise:

  • PRS Consulting Services Agile - iScrum Framework for dual - shore development
  • Utilizing standardized tools (Jenkins, OCMock & GHUnit, Kunagi, SVN, Doxygen etc.)

App Store Registration

Once your mobile applications are fully tested and ready for deployment, we can help you get them registered to the app markets including iTunes and GooglePlay for our clients; we share our industry knowledge and make the submittal process very easy.

Mobile Application Porting

With varied mobile devices and consumer options in the marketplace, the main challenges faced by mobile application development teams are the absolute number of operating systems, different devices and their features, sizes and market requirements. As such, porting applications has become a critical challenge.

With vast experience in developing mobile apps in market leading platforms, our mobile porting expertise ensures thorough standardization and reuse of code elements is taken into consideration for efficiently porting from any of the source platforms to the target platforms.

Contact us to get started with your mobility project today.