Oracle Knowledge Management
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Knowledge Management Technology Partners

PRS Consulting Services believes in delivering value to its customers by associating itself with industry leaders offering solutions in the high tech space. The clear choice for quality, comprehensive knowledge management software is Oracle Corporation’s Oracle Knowledge product suite.

Oracle’s Knowledge Management product suite delivers capabilities across the CRM ecosystem — from web self-service to contact center to knowledge creation. PRS Consulting Services has a strategic alliance with Oracle as both an Oracle Gold partner and a service provider to Oracle. PRS Consulting Services’s partnership with Oracle’s Knowledge Management group originated with InQuira and has continued to thrive since the acquisition and evolution to Oracle Knowledge. This partnership combines the unique advantages of an industry leading application with PRS Consulting Services’s consulting experience in knowledge management, software development, professional services and managed services.

PRS Consulting Services currently has the largest and most experienced Oracle Knowledge practice outside of Oracle itself, allowing us to deliver high quality, high value services to Oracle Knowledge customers, helping them optimize their knowledge and gain a competitive advantage.